Benefits of Mulches for Your Landscaping

Many people think of mulch in Atlanta as strictly cosmetic, just something to make the place look good. And mulch around the base of trees and shrubs improves property appearance. But there’s so much more than mulch can contribute to your landscape. It makes lawn and tree maintenance a lot easier and provides other yard care benefits that are underground and out of sight. If you want to buy the best mulches, you can contact Wholesale wood products. Here are some points that will explain to you the benefits of mulches in Landscaping.

Maintains Soil Temperature for better tree growth:

If you use mulches judiciously with proper knowledge and the amount, it will be very beneficial to your garden or landscape. Using useful mulch is a highly essential tree care technique. Tree roots are sensitive to high summer temperatures. During the scorching heat of summer, the surface soil temperature may reach 100-108 ° or even more than that, and as a result, most of the tree roots die. The high temperature kills the roots. Unfortunately, the rise in the temperature and depth of roots is generally seen in the fertile part of the soil or topsoil. A3" layer of mulch can reduce soil temperatures by as much as 10 °, which helps in maintaining a healthy growth environment for the roots and letting them grow actively in the upper soil. If you are interested in buying a variety of mulches, contact wholesale wood products. Wholesale wood products sell Chips mulch, Natural mulch, composting, Black mulch, Brown Mulch, etc.

Other Benefits: 

Do you know that you can now retain the soil moisture for a more extended period? Yes! You can. A question arises how? Well, according to the customers of wholesale wood products, the mulch in Duluth helps retain moisture. It is pretty better than bare soil around the trees. This means watering less and reducing the chances of water stress on the trees. It also helps in the conservation of water with its minimal use. Mulch has additional benefits like cutting down the soil erosion or washing out around the trees. It reduces soil compaction and improves soil structure as the mulch breaks down. The mulches add an extra layer to the topsoil. Mulched barriers around the trees keep mowers and trimmers from causing mechanical damage to the trees.

Material Available as mulch: 

Today, in the agricultural sector, mulches can be of both organic and inorganic matter. Both types are well justified by wholesale good products. Organic Matter mulch includes:

  • Bark chips and shredded bark (many commercial types are available on the market).
  • Wood shavings, sawdust.
  • Pest moss.
  • Coca hills (If you are delighted by the scent of chocolate, it is the best mulch in Atlanta).
  • Straw or pine straw.
  • Rice hulls or crushed corn cons.
  • Yard waste like leaves, grass, and twigs.


The yard waste is generally not used for commercial purposes because it usually doesn't improve property appearance much like the commercially produced mulches. If we talk about inorganic mulches, it includes gravel - gravels are the crushed rocks that contain minerals; a variety of sheet materials like plastic, and several types of shredded rubber or tires. Well, the cost of mulches varies from the country's area, but overall, wood and bark products are the most common and economical.


The above points will help you know the benefits and types of mulches you need in your garden. If you wish to make your garden green and lustrous and admire its beauty, then order mulch in Atlanta or Duluth from wholesale wood products.


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